Welcome to Tread the Boards

Welcome to Tread the Boards

Tread The Boards Upcoming Dates

Tread The Boards Open Evening

Come and join us at our Open Evening 7.30pm Monday June 17th at Wavendon Gate Pavilion (MK7 7RZ).

If you are interested in acting, building sets, costumes, or anything else to do with amateur dramatics then please come along for a chat and find out about our next show which is a panto called:
Robyn Hood and her Merry Women

We are a friendly and welcoming bunch.

Refreshments will be provided

Tread The Boards AGM

The Group's Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 1st July at Wavendon Gate Pavilion, Isaacson Drive, Wavendon Gate from 7.30pm.

Items to be discussed will include appointing officers such as the three trustee roles of chair, treasurer and secretary.

Anyone welcome but only those who are paid members of the Group may vote.

Announcing Next Show

The next show will be Robyn Hood and Her Merry Women

Performances will be on 13, 14 and 15 December at Wavendon Community Centre and tickets will be available from our box office

There will be £2 off each ticket when booked during our early bird special offer period which also includes a super-value family ticket for just £30.

Who we are?

Who we are?

Most recently we have been resourceful, flexible and tenacious!

Covid 19 devastated the events industry and community theatre groups like ours were no less affected. Plans for shows had to be mothballed as we had to cancel all rehearsals and reflect on what to do next.

Within a week we had re-arranged our traditional Monday evening face-to-face activities and moved them on-line. Quickly we delivered workshops, entertainment sessions and quizzes and then began to develop our own projects for filming. You can see some of the results – our Gigglebox episode and a selection of monologues – here on the website.

But even when we could get back to meeting in person we had to abandon plans for our big production Treasure Island – a large cast pantomime to be delivered in collaboration with another local theatre group. Keeping everyone well was a priority and we made the difficult decision to postpone and deliver an alternative – Rats!

Rats! was a potted panto created in-house in just a week.

It was to be delivered with two duplicate casts thereby using all the acting talent keen to perform after so long away from the stage. This in turn meant we could stage 10 shows and keep the audience socially distanced.

The Mayor attended opening night, we had many glowing reviews for offering something so different and we get to offer up Treasure Island for another Christmas. We are proud to have achieved something against a backdrop of challenge and frustration.

We are TTB.


Tread the Boards

Registered Charity No. 1087823


01908 377449

Social Media

Website theme: ThemeWagon